Harnessing the Power of Digital Subversion 


The art of digital subversion is now in full effect. High-speed networking through automation and compounding. The phone is now a high-speed computer capable of building fluid content and complex systems that leverage business and attention. 


You can use these machines to build structures for the government and for other companies and you can use them for your own needs, and hack away to do what is needed to create your own eco-system. 


You keep building and developing the code. It gets stronger. It develops more weight. It becomes more powerful and the ideas become more synthesised. 


Digital assets are built up one by one, and combine to create powerful tools and packages. These are then hosted on websites and social media channels and this becomes digital Real-estate.


Find gaps in the market that can be filled. Find problems that can be solved. Analyse pain points that can be eradicated. Do all this by building new systems that solve problems and fill empty spaces with solutions.  


Keep going, uploading, keep building, curating. Our dreams are all connected and we all dream in the internal matrix. Connecting is the first stage in growing the business. Your goals become the brand, and your solutions become the content.


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